March 2021 - brusseleir!
The Brusseleir-organisation restyled and reorganised its communication channels. I had the pleasure to lend a helping hand. Restyling of the website, newsletter, social media and magazine. Lots of my photo's were published on all channels! And I got a chance to visit the president of the organisation, Flemisch chanson legend Johan Verminnen. Ik zain er fier op! (means: I'm proud of it)
More info: (will have English info soon)

February 2021 - photo-training completed!
Completed my phtography training at CVO Brussels!!
In october we plan a graduates-group show, "Focus 2021" in Colomacastle, St.Pieters Leeuw.
winter 2020-spring 2021 - Vlaams Fotografiecircuit on hold
My "Bloem"-series is still on tour in the "Fotografiecircuit Vlaanderen", only behind closed doors for a few months... I hope we can finish the tour soon....

November 2020 - magazine be.Brusseleir
Still quiet on the C19-front. brusseleirmagazine sent me out to photograph Kevin en Chloë Van Doorslaer, actors for the Brussels Volkstejoêter and both from a family of carnival operators.

April 2020 - lockdown Brussels
I grabbed the chance to escape lockdown for a couple of hours, ... photographing the empty streets of Brussels during lockdown. Strange feelings. Photo's for be.brusseleir magazine.

January 2020 - Toone
Visited another Brussels legend! Toone VII, legendary puppeteer. He kept the Toone-puppettheatre alive for over 50 years. Today his grandson is continuing the very long tradition in one of the best known streets of Brussels. When in Brussels, be sure to visit the Toone Theatre!

October 2019 - Jeroen Camerlynck/Fleddy Melcully
be.Brusseleir magazine sent me to Jeroen Camerlynck aka Fleddy Melcully, legendary for combining comedy and metal. Jeroen/Fleddy is coaching the bands selected for "Brussels Tuub", a rockcontest for which the bands have to make, record and perform (in AB Brussels) a new song in the Brussels language.

September 15 2019 - finissage expo "Oewa 3.0" in CC Asse
An exhibition (august 9-sept 15) with two photofriends Liesbeth Van As and Sofie Lengeler. Great "finissage" in CC Asse.

Juli 6 2019 - selected by Breedbeeld - blackbox Pelt
I have been chosen (with 15 photographers) by Breedbeeld, organisation to support Flemish photographers and Filmmakers, for an exhibition in Dommelhof, during the Pelt Photofestival. The exhibition talks about the "condition humaine" and is organised in a "black box", that, like the black box in an airplane contains data, about the different aspects of humanity. A beautiful selection, well presented by curator Yirka De Brucker and the Breedbeeld team. Honoured to be part of this!

June 20 2019 - magazine be.brusseleir
First collaboration with be.Brusseleir (organisation concerned with the preservation of the Brussels dialect) on their magazine. Photo's of their activities in the past few months. I'm writing captions in the Brussels language,... best as I can.

June 17 2019 - Kort 2 (magazine)
The second issue of “Kort”, magazine (Dutch) dedicated to short stories, with black & white photo's from my “Two Drops of Water” series. Stories by Elisabeth Marain, Mark de Gooijer , Patrick Dooms, Johannes Decat , Frans A. Brocatus , Marianne Knop, Ilona Bloeme , Monika Macken, Johan De Ruyck , Michael Albers en Leen Raats.

June 2 2019 - Selected for Int. Photofestival Pelt
I just heard my work has been selected for the nice Interantional Photofestival in Pelt, "Lens op de Mens" 2019!
Begins June 2 and runs till September 30 in the streets of Pelt.
Begins June 2 and runs till September 30 in the streets of Pelt.
March 17 2019 - Meet & Greet "Bloem" - Wemmel
On the occasion of the “Bloem”-expo in GC De Zandloper in Wemmel I was invited to talk about my photography.

Sept. 2018 - Kort - new magazine
I helped putting out a new literary magazine, presenting short stories by Flemish authors (Stan Lauryssens, Dominique Biebau, Diane Broeckhoven, Johan De Ruyck, Monika Macken, Leen Raats, ... )
I helped putting out a new literary magazine, presenting short stories by Flemish authors (Stan Lauryssens, Dominique Biebau, Diane Broeckhoven, Johan De Ruyck, Monika Macken, Leen Raats, ... )
8 Photo's from a limited edition book I made, "Alternative Facts", are included and I also did the layout of the magazine.

Dec. 12 2018 - Leuven - artist talk for Breedbeeld
Breedbeeld photo-organisation invited me to talk about my photography - with David Legrève & Kelly Donckers

Dec. 3 2018 - Opening “Bloem” Elcker-Ik - Antwerp
“Bloem” opens its tour for Fotografiecircuit Vlaanderen on Dec 3 - the Bloem series will be on the road for two years.

Fotografiecircuit 2018-2021
My “Bloem”-series was selected for Fotografiecircuit Vlaanderen 2018-2021 The series will go on tour all over Flanders, for almost 2 years and will be on display in 18 venues.